Place Value Worksheets
Welcome to the Place Value worksheets page at! This page includes Place value worksheets for whole numbers and decimals including place value charts. Students who have a good understanding of place value will certainly excel at math. They will be better at estimating, calculating, and conceptualizing and may go on to great mathematical success in school and beyond.
Most Popular Place Value Worksheets this Week
Place Value Charts
- Place value charts can be used to learn about place value. They might also be useful in correcting student thinking when they don't quite get the place holder concept (e.g. writing 132 as 100302 or 1004 as 14). Place value charts can also be used for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. For example, to add two numbers, write each addend in its own row then add starting with the lowest place, regroup and keep moving to the left until the third row shows the sum. Each place value chart includes multiple lines for this purpose. Division on a place value chart parallels the long division algorithm, so it might be a good place to go if students are struggling with long division. There are plenty of place value charts in this section with different ranges both for whole and decimal numbers.
- Place Value Charts
Place Value Worksheets
- Starting at the very beginning, students learn the names of numbers and probably how to count. They may start encountering individual numbers in writing, and learn how to identify them. Then things start getting complicated! Two- and three-digit numbers start to enter their lives and they must learn how to name those, and that is when a good knowledge of place comes in handy. In order to say the number 793, for example, children must know that the 7 is in the hundreds place, the 9 is in the tens place and the 3 is in the ones place to be able to say, "Seven hundred ninety-three."
- "Determine Place and Value" worksheets are listed first in this section as they are the ones that are used most frequently. Students are asked to identify both the place and the value of an underlined digit. For example in 45,678, the underlined 4 is in the ten thousands place and has a value of 40,000. If students need a little more instruction to help them learn place value, the "Identify Place Only" worksheets might help. In those, students only have to determine which place is underlined. For example, in 45,678, they would say the thousands place is underlined.
- There are also two worksheets for re-writing numbers with thousands separators. The first is not overly exciting, but the second also gets the student to follow a path to build the number before including the thousands separators.
- Determine Place and Value Worksheets
Decimal Place Value Worksheets
- So, you've learned all the places before the decimal, how about the ones after the decimal? These worksheets might help. Unlike the numbers before the decimal, the ones after aren't usually in groups of three, so it is necessary to count very carefully and remember that the first place after the decimal is tenths. If you have trouble, try using a place value chart. As an added bonus, students can also practice their whole number place values as every question includes an underlined whole number digit and an underlined decimal digit.
- Determine Place and Value of Decimal Numbers Worksheets
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