Cleaning Service Contract Template

The cleaning company is referred to as the “sender,” while the client can be represented by several individuals (homeowners or real estate agents). Include the client’s name at the top of the document to quickly locate contracts created for different clients. You may also add version numbers to the header or footer whenever there are updates to your draft.

This cleaning services contract is entered into on [Date] between [Sender.Company] (Service Provider) and [Client.Company] (Client), collectively known as the “Parties.”​

The Client seeks to obtain facility cleaning services from the Service Provider, who agrees that they are capable and willing to meet all requirements outlined in this cleaning services contract.

List the cleaning services in your contract, such as whether you provide janitorial services, maid services, housekeeping services, or fall into another niche. It also helps to clarify the type of client requesting the services, whether a private homeowner or small business.

Services Provided

This template is designed to offer cleaning services on a flexible basis. You may perform services as they are required, and bill the client according to the pricing table in the template (below).

The Service Provider agrees to offer the following services during the term of this written contract.

[Type of service] will be performed on an as-needed basis and billed according to the pricing table below.

[Insert Services Pricing Table Here]

Term of Cleaning Service Agreement

If you plan to clean for the client on a flexible schedule, that should be included here to set the expectations of both parties.

Check our Contract Management Software if you want to improve contract visibility and automate contract signing.

This cleaning services contract shall begin on [Agreement.StartDate] and will conclude as of [Agreement.EndDate] .

If either party wishes to terminate this cleaning services contract prior to the contract end date, written notice must be provided to the other party.

‌Independent Contractor

The independent contractor section of this template makes it clear that your company is not an employee of the client and that any invoices paid to you as a cleaning service provider are appropriately assessed for tax purposes.

The Service Provider is in agreement they are not an employee of the Client and will act as an independent contractor for the term of this [Type of service] contract.


When filling in the template, it is better to provide detailed information. If there are preferable types of cleaning or areas in a house or office that require special attention, you may also cover them in the contract. Make sure that you are comfortable with and able to meet the level of service expected by the client.

The Service Provider agrees to always provide cleaning services to the best of their ability.​

The Client shall have the right to, at any time, perform an inspection of the Service Provider’s [Type of service] work.

Should the Client discover any fault or failure during such inspections, they reserve the right to withhold payment until such errors are corrected by the Service Provider.

Upon receipt of a notice of failure or fault from the Client, the Service Provider agrees to fully address and remedy such errors as soon as reasonably possible.


Make it clear in the contract what payment method(s) your cleaning services company will accept for services rendered and remove any payment types that you are unable to process.

Our Cleaning Bid Proposal Template lets you itemize the services offered, their associated costs, and any additional charges, helping clients make informed decisions about hiring your cleaning services.

The Service Provider shall perform the above-listed services on an as-needed basis and shall invoice the Client as such.​

The Service Provider shall generate a complete invoice for all services rendered every 30 days and submit to the Client in a timely manner.​

The Client agrees to pay all invoices associated with this cleaning agreement within 30 days of receipt unless notice of fault or failure to perform allows for delayed payment.

The Client can make payments using the following methods:


The confidentiality section of the template protects your client’s intellectual property. This language is necessary for any service where a provider could potentially access a client’s private or proprietary information. The language applies to anyone working for your cleaning services company. If a member of your cleaning services commits a confidential information breach, your business becomes liable.

Any information or knowledge obtained during the term of this cleaning services contract about the Client is considered confidential.​

The Service Provider agrees to keep all information not openly known to the public confidential and private.

Should the Service Provider or its employees’ actions lead to the Client’s confidential information being disclosed to unauthorized parties, the Client shall have the right to seek full remedy in accordance with applicable law.

Return of Property

Consider what property you and your workers must turn over at the end of your cleaning services agreement with the client. You may state the legal penalties if a worker accesses confidential information or damages property when providing cleaning services under the contract.

Upon conclusion of this cleaning service contract either by termination by either party or by completion of the agreed-upon term, all property given to the Service Provider by the Client for the sake of providing [Type of service] shall be returned in the state in which it was given.

This is inclusive of any documentation, keys, and codes given to the Service Provider by the Client. The Client understands and agrees that it is their responsibility to change any keys or codes at the end of the term unless such items were lost or damaged by the Service Provider, at which point the Service Provider is responsible for replacing or otherwise compensating the Client for such loss or damage.


For emergency cases, it is crucial to specify when the cleaning service agreement can be terminated, upon what conditions for each of the signing parties, and how notices of these cases are managed.

Any and all notifications between the Client and the Service Provider shall be submitted in written form.

Notices may be delivered in person, by email, or by mail via certified letter to the addresses included in this Agreement for the Client and the Service Provider. Both parties understand that they are responsible for notifying one another and modifying this Agreement should either address change.


This clause in the contract protects your company from legal action if a third party claims harm from any actions taken by your client while you are performing cleaning services. That same principle applies to your client. For example, if someone claims that they suffered an allergic reaction because of a cleaning product used by your company, the client would be free of liability.

Each party to this legal document agrees to indemnify and hold the opposite party harmless against all liability or damages without limitation.

The indemnification clause of this cleaning services contract shall survive the termination or conclusion of this agreement and shall remain in effect for a term of 12 months following the conclusion or termination of this contract.

Modification of Agreement

Including this section confirms that if either party wishes to change the contract, they must submit it in writing, and it must be signed by both parties. This ensures that such communication is agreed upon and understood by both parties.

Any and all amendments to this cleaning services contract shall be submitted in writing and signed by both Parties.

No amendment, modification, addition, or extension of this cleaning services contract shall be considered binding unless conducted in the prescribed manner.

Time of Essence

This cleaning services contract agreement is based on a fixed period and terms and shall remain as such.

This cleaning services contract may be re-entered upon completion but will not be extended or drawn out by either party past the termination date of [Agreement.EndDate] .


The assignment section of this template protects both parties. The Service Provider can’t subcontract the listed services without approval from the Client. The Client must agree that the agreement will remain intact if the property being serviced gets sold. This means that you won’t contract out services to an unauthorized provider and that the Client must continue paying you for any service as contracted.

Under no term of this legal contract agreement shall the Service Provider subcontract any other individual or agency to complete any [Type of service] included in this contract without prior written consent from the Client.

This article of the cleaning services contract shall not restrict the Service Provider’s ability to hire and retain cleaning professionals of its own to conduct the listed services.

Should the Client sell their interest in the property being serviced to another entity, that entity shall be responsible for adhering to the terms of this cleaning services contract in its entirety and until [Agreement.EndDate] .

Entire Agreement

This cleaning services contract shall constitute the entire agreement and shall replace any and all written or verbal agreements made before this agreement.

Governing Law

Any and all legal manners related to this cleaning services contract shall be subject to jurisdiction in the state of [Client.State] .

The Parties agree that in the instance of a disagreement, both parties will seek mediation from a neutral arbitrator before seeking remedy through a court of law.​

This section of the template states that this cleaning contract will survive even if any single aspect of it is deemed unenforceable or unfair. You and the Client must agree upon new terms that line up with the previous contract language.

Should any single term of this contract be held as unenforceable or illegal, the term shall be replaced with a similarly enforceable term.

Upon the replacement or cancellation of any term of this agreement, all remaining terms will remain in full effect.


When all the highlighted conditions are satisfactory, you can send your final cleaning service contract template to yourself and your client for electronic signature. When both the parties sign and finalize the agreement, it becomes a legally binding document.

Both parties agree to all terms and conditions above and will, to their best abilities, fulfill all aspects of this cleaning services contract.

The signatures below indicate complete consent and approval by each party.