Surface Water Management

The Drainage Utility is Skagit County’s Surface Water assessment and provides a source of funding to address drainage and stormwater projects and programs that otherwise would not have a funding source or would be too large of a burden for individual residents.

The County Drainage Utility is a special assessment that was established in 1997 to address drainage concerns within unincorporated Skagit County and provide a multitude of benefits to our ratepayers. As a special assessment, those who pay into the Drainage Utility should see a benefit and the County is diligent to ensure the funds are used on programs and activities that provide a clear benefit to the ratepayers.

Drainage Utility Fund Timeline

What types of problems receive assistance?

A primary focus of the Drainage Utility is responding to drainage concerns outside of the County Road Right of Way. Drainage concerns in the County are innumerable and often fall within the categories of ditch maintenance/grading, culvert maintenance, lack of infrastructure, failing infrastructure, inadequate conveyance, and sedimentation. The source of a drainage issue is often surface water or runoff that has traveled from other parts of the County. Drainage issues in the County are interrelated and ongoing, resulting in Drainage Utility (DU) personnel examining concerns on a watershed scale.

In addition to drainage concern response, programs funded by the Drainage Utility include watershed planning, surface water management projects, habitat restoration, flood response, and compliance with the County’s NPDES Municipal Stormwater Permit. The Drainage Utility frequently partners with drainage districts, tribes, cities, and state agencies on a variety of beneficial projects.

What kind of projects are exempt from Drainage Utility funding?

How are projects prioritized?

Due to the large number of eligible drainage issues and a limited budget, Skagit County’s Drainage Utility Program may not be able to fund a project for every drainage issue assessed. Skagit County Drainage Utility assesses drainage issues on a watershed scale, prioritizing projects that will lead to improved drainage county-wide.

Once a drainage problem is identified, Drainage Utility staff investigates the issue’s nature and history, conducts a site visit if necessary, then completes a ranking form to determine how a potential project is prioritized and if it qualifies for funding. After review, Skagit County staff will discuss possible solutions to the drainage issue with the property owner and/or impacted residents.

What if Drainage Utility is unable to fund your project?

If funds are not available for your project, Skagit County’s Drainage Utility staff can still assist you with information and technical assistance. This may include construction suggestions, permit requirement information, etc. Depending on availability of funds, a project may qualify for a project but need to be scheduled in the future for when funding becomes available.

What to do if you are experiencing a drainage issue:

Is the drainage problem beaver-related?

News and Notices

Drainage Utility Assessment

The Board of County Commissioners will host a public hearing on the Drainage Utility assessment beginning May 20th at 2:00pm. To learn more about the budgeting process and view current documents, please review the documents and past presentations below:

Recent Drainage Utility videos regarding assessment and projects:


For Drainage Utility complaints, please contact:

Aida Miller
Drainage Utility Technician, Natural Resources Div.

For general questions on the Drainage Utility Program, please contact:

Physical and Mailing Address:
1800 Continental Place
Mount Vernon, WA 98273