Whether you are new to the Mobile Electronics Certified Professional (MECP) program or looking to advance your career by getting certified at a higher level, the new online MECP learning platform helps you prepare for the certification exam. The new program is based on access to learning content and a certification exam for an annual subscription fee.
The learning material is presented in an efficient manner that consistently challenges you as you progress through the system and breaks the content up into smaller, easier to consume chunks. This targeted and strategic method will increase your comprehension of the material and boost your confidence as you progress toward certification at your desired level.
Printed MECP Study Guides are still available at our CSTC store and our Amazon store but are no longer being printed. The content in these guides is still applicable to the associated certification levels they represent. You may prefer reading a book instead of reading the content on your phone, tablet, or computer. However, please be aware that you must still progress through the certification system, so the digital portion is still required. Click the button below to purchase a printed study guide.