Show dots or leaders between tabs

The space between tabs can show dots, dashes, or other “leader” characters to line up information.

Example of a <a href=dot leader in Word" />

Add tab leader characters

  1. Select Layout or Page Layout.
  2. Select the Paragraph dialog launcher

Tab Box Leader

and then select Tabs. Add or select a tab stop, and then select leader character option under Leader you want displayed.

Now you can add entries and when you press Tab, a line will appear with the characters you choose. The formatting will be added to each new line until you change the leader. To change the formatting so no leader appears, follow these steps and choose none under Leader.

The space between tabs can show dots, dashes, or other "leader" characters to line up information.

Example of using a dot leader

Add tab leader characters

The Tab dialog box, set up for a right-aligned tab with dots

  1. Go to Format >Tabs.
  2. Select the tab to add leader characters.

Now you can add entries and when you press Tab, a line will appear with the characters you choose. The formatting will be added to each new line until you change the leader. To change the formatting so no leader appears, follow these steps and choose none under Leader.

Note: You can have more than one kind of leader if you have multiple tabs. Select each tab in the Tab stop position box and select a different leader.